The advantages of a short-term rental

26th January 2021 | by Zzzing

Higher rental income, greater yield returns, and more cash flow

As global travel restrictions are eased, demand to travel will bounce back fast, and it will be stronger than ever before. There will be a huge demand for hotel alternatives as travellers from all over the world will look for an affordable way to embrace a country’s culture and the privacy and safety of a short-let space which is ideal to maintain social distancing measures. Predictions for 2021 are outstanding as the tourism arena is anticipated to rebuild momentum and property owners of potential short-lets as well as property developers who aspire to embark in build to rent opportunities have a bright future with Malta’s very own Zzzing team right there by their side.


All over the globe the short-let property arena has witnessed a massive increase among both property owners as well as developers who understand the potential of this industry and choose to be a part of their country’s travel and tourism industry. Here are three reasons why taking the short-let route makes absolute sense.


1. Higher Rates

Long-term leases lock in a rental rate for an established period of time while short-let holiday homes are typically priced at a day rate, which on average achieves 30%+ greater returns than if the same property was being let on a long-term basis. This together with the fact that in the case of short-term rentals you can increase or decrease nightly rental rates according to the demand and seasonality. Zzzing’s expert team of dynamic pricing experts will ensure that a winning strategy for your property drives the best possible results.


2. Flexible

Short-lets are flexible and allow for landlords to keep their property vacant if this is required. Zzzing’s Premium Partner Option gives property owners the chance to use their property for their preferred two weeks per year or invite their friends or family to use their short-let for a two week period.


3. Bad occupants don't stay long

One of the biggest pitfalls of the long-let property game is having to deal with rogue tenants who either do not take care of the property or do not honour their rent commitments. This doesn’t apply to the short-let option because holiday makers pay in advance and must sign a host guarantee which protects damage to the property and its belongings. This property damage protection cover varies according to which vacation rental online marketplace the property is listed on.


And while yes, maintaining a short-let property is time and effort consuming, the good news is that Malta’s leading property management brand Zzzing is expanding its portfolio and is looking for properties which have short-let potential. If you’d like your second property to bring in your second, stable income, here’s what the Zzzing team of pros will do for you:

  • Maintain your property and guarantee that it is always guest-ready.
  • Build a dynamic pricing strategy which will achieve top results
  • Take care of all your property maintenance & recommend design updates to enhance top performance
  • Apply its Cleaning & Sanitization protocol to ensure safety for guests
  • Design an effective distribution campaign across the widest set of channels to entice global travellers.
  • Handle the complete guest communication process
  • Give you access to Zzzing’s Property Owner’s Dashboard where you will have a birds’ eye view of the potential and performance of your property. 100% transparency, that’s the name of the Zzzing game
  • Inspire your guests with a state-of-the-art Guest Experience App which gives them complete freedom and flexibility to plan their holiday and book their outings & visits at the press of a button. (P.S – They’ll also love the preferred prices from Zzzing’s recommended eateries too!)


With years of combined experience in property management, marketing and hospitality, the Zzzing team is confident in their brand’s promise and do not request any initial start-ups fees. Zzzing’s 100% commission based model is brilliant because their performance-driven 15% cut covers a long list of services making it easier for you to maintain a short-let property business without doing any work. Plus knowing that experts are handling your property means that you will achieve the best possible results.


Whether you’re looking to switch your long-let property into a short-let money maker, you have a property which is vacant or you’ve just invested in a property and want to get an attractive ROI, a free consultation with the Zzzing team is your way to get started. We’ll guide you through our extensive list of services, make our recommendations, give you a forecast of your property’s future and answer all your questions. Simply call 99143724 or email to discover what we can do for you.


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