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Affordable Luxury. Guaranteed Best Rates.

Explore our collection of Malta's top holiday homes.

Stunning, Unique Spaces

Stunning, Unique Spaces

Stay in a charming holiday home or boutique guesthouse with tons of extra space & curated travel experiences that will make your time in Malta special.

Our Guest Experience Team

Our Guest Experience Team

A best-in-class 24x7 virtual concierge team who makes sure that your time in Malta is special. Private tours, celebrity chef catering, childminding, gifts, staging, pampering & much more.

Five Star Housekeeping

Five Star Housekeeping

A globally celebrated superior cleaning standard built with hospitality experts to elevate the vacation rental industry. Personal inspects before each stay.


Check out what our visitors say about us

Mark from Andorra


"What a beautiful space! It felt just like home & the 24x7 concierge works flawlessly."

Mark from Andorra

Sarah from the UK


"Having a fully equipped kitchen is a dream, especially if your kids are fussy eaters like ours!"

Sarah from the UK

Philip from Germany


"I extended my holiday by an extra week because I really loved my apartment. Really great Wifi, thanks!"

Philip from Germany

Smart stays driven by smarter tech

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